
Using H

H is an interactive environment, built on top of a library called inline-r. The library can be used from Haskell source files, while H is implemented as a thin wrapper around GHCi. The H command is a wrapper script that fires up a GHCi session set up just the right way for interacting with R.

Setting up H

In Windows, make sure the file R.dll appears in some folder listed in the PATH environment variable. In Unix-like systems, should be located within reach of the dynamic linker (LD_LIBRARY_PATH, /etc/, etc).

After installing H, type the following at a command prompt:

$ H

This will start GHCi, loading the H environment and bringing the relevant definitions into scope. In addition, an instance of the R interpreter will be started.

Alternatively, one can also try:

$ ghci -ghci-script H.ghci

where H.ghci is included in the source distribution for H. (NB: for security reasons, you must ensure that H.ghci is not world writeable.)

On Windows, both H and GHCi work best from the cmd.exe terminal, as opposed to MinGW (both ought work, but MinGW currently triggers bug #7056 in GHC).

An H primer

In an H interactive session, one has full access to both Haskell,

H> 1 + 1
H> let it = [1, 2, 3] ++ [4, 5, 6]
H> print it
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

and R, through a mechanism called quasiquotation (see the Haskel Wiki for more about quasiquotation),

H> it <- [r| 1 + 1 |]
H> printR it
[1] 2
H> it <- [r| append(c(1, 2, 3), c(4, 5, 6)) |]
H> printR it
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6
H> p [r| R.home() |]
[1] "/usr/lib/R"

One can mix and match both Haskell and R code, which is delimited from Haskell code using annotated “Oxford brackets” - anything in between [r| and |]. The text between the brackets is said to be quasiquoted. It is first fed to R to be parsed, then evaluated. Printing the resulting value can be done with the help of [r| print(...) |] or p. We have that

p mx = do { x <- mx; [r| print(x_hs) |] }

Expressions are evaluated in their own local R environment, which inherits from the global environment. So assignments aren’t visible from one quasiquote to another. But you can use the “super-assignment” <<- operator if you really need to:

H> p [r| x <<- 1 |]
[1] 1
H> p [r| x |]
[1] 1
H> p [r| x <<- 2 |]
[1] 2
H> p [r| x |]
[1] 2
H> p [r| x <- 3 |]
[1] 3
H> p [r| x |]
[1] 2

Quasiquotes can refer to any values bound in the GHCi environment that are in scope, through splicing. In order to distinguish between variables bound in the R environment and those bound in the GHCi environment, H uses the following convention:

Haskell values are referred to within an R quasiquote by appending _hs to its name.

For example:

H> let x = 2 :: Double
H> let y = 4 :: Double
H> p [r| x_hs + y_hs |]
[1] 6

Only variables of certain types can be spliced in quasiquotes in this way. H currently supports atomic numeric types such as doubles, lists over these numeric types, but also functions over these types:

H> let f x = return (x + 1) :: R s Double
H> p [r| f_hs(1) |]
[1] 2

Currently, functions must be lifted to the R monad in order to be spliceable. The R monad is a type constructor taking two parameters: the first one is always s and refers to the state of the monad, while the second one is the type of the result of the function when executed.

Running examples

Some interactive examples of using H are located in the folders:

  • examples/nls
  • examples/nls2

The following commands can be used to run these examples:

$ cd examples/<example-name>
$ H -- -ghci-script <example-name>.H