
Managing memory

One tricky aspect of bridging two languages with automatic memory management such as R and Haskell is that we must be careful that the garbage collectors (GC) of both languages see eye-to-eye. The embedded R instance manages objects in its own heap, separate from the heap that the GHC runtime manages. However, objects from one heap can reference objects in the other heap and the other way around. This can make garbage collection unsafe because neither GC’s have a global view of the object graph, only a partial view corresponding to the objects in the heaps of each GC.

Memory protection

Fortunately, R provides a mechanism to “protect” objects from garbage collection until they are unprotected. We can use this mechanism to prevent R’s GC from deallocating objects that are still referenced by at least one object in the Haskell heap.

One particular difficulty with protection is that one must not forget to unprotect objects that have been protected, in order to avoid memory leaks. inline-r uses “regions” for pinning an object in memory and guaranteeing unprotection when the control flow exits a region.

Memory regions

There is currently one global region for R values, but in the future inline-r will have support for multiple (nested) regions. A region is opened with the runRegion action, which creates a new region and executes the given action in the scope of that region. All allocation of R values during the course of the execution of the given action will happen within this new region. All such values will remain protected (i.e. pinned in memory) within the region. Once the action returns, all allocated R values are marked as deallocatable garbage all at once.

runRegion :: (forall s . R s a) -> IO a

Automatic memory management

Nested regions work well as a memory management discipline for simple scenarios when the lifetime of an object can easily be made to fit within nested scopes. For more complex scenarios, it is often much easier to let memory be managed completely automatically, though at the cost of some memory overhead and performance penalty. inline-r provides a mechanism to attach finalizers to R values. This mechanism piggybacks Haskell’s GC to notify R’s GC when it is safe to deallocate a value.

automatic :: MonadR m => R.SEXP s a -> m (R.SEXP G a)

In this way, values may be deallocated far earlier than reaching the end of a region: As soon as Haskell’s GC recognizes a value to no longer be reachable, and if the R GC agrees, the value is prone to be deallocated. Because automatic values have a lifetime independent of the scope of the current region, they are tagged with the global region G (a type synonym for GlobalRegion).

For example:

do x <- [r| 1:1000 |]
   y <- [r| 2 |]
   return $ automatic [r| x_hs * y_hs |]

Automatic values can be mixed freely with other values.

Diagnosing memory problems

A good way to stress test whether R values are being protected adequately is to turn on gctorture:

main = withEmbeddedR $ do
    [r| gctorture2(1, 0, TRUE) |]

This instructs R to run a GC sweep at every allocation, hence making it much more likely to detect inadequately protected objects. It is recommended to use a version of R that has been compiled with --enable-strict-barrier.

See the Haddock generated documentation for the Language.R.GC module for further details, and the R documentation for gctorture().