
Implementation of quasiquoters

Given an R expression, represented as a String, a quasiquote expands to a function whose body is the given expression, and the arguments are any antiquotations appearing in the expression.

For this function to be available at runtime, we must construct it somehow. There are two possible approaches. Historically, inline-r parsed a quasiquotation once at compile-time, then used code generation to generate a Haskell expression that recreates the resulting AST at runtime. It is much simpler, however, to express the SEXP value as the result of parsing a string constructed at compile time. Parsing the function expression is delegated to R at runtime. Parsing the same expression over and over during runtime can be onerous when in the middle of a tight loop. But since parsing is morally a pure function, we can wrap the call to R’s parse() function unsafePerformIO to make it eligible for let-floating. If the parse() call is floated all the way to the top, then computing its value will be shared for the lifetime of the program.

For example, [r| 1 + 1 |] expands to something morally equivalent to the following:

let sx = unsafePerformIO (parse "function(){ 1 + 1 }")
in eval (apply sx [])

Use the -ddump-simpl GHC option to see what a quasiquotation truly expands to.