Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Re-exports the entirety of the library, which is always eventually necessary when writing large test-suites.



class Monad m => MonadModal m where Source #

Monads that allow modifications with LTL formulas.

Associated Types

type Modification m :: Type Source #


modifyLtl :: Ltl (Modification m) -> m a -> m a Source #


Instances details
MonadModal (Staged (LtlOp modification builtin)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cooked.Ltl

Associated Types

type Modification (Staged (LtlOp modification builtin)) Source #


modifyLtl :: Ltl (Modification (Staged (LtlOp modification builtin))) -> Staged (LtlOp modification builtin) a -> Staged (LtlOp modification builtin) a Source #

data Ltl a Source #

Type of LTL formulas with atomic formulas of type a. Think of a as a type of "modifications", then a value of type Ltl a describes where to apply modifications. Since it does not make (obvious) sense to talk of a negated modification or of one modification (possibly in the future) to imply another modification, implication and negation are absent.



The "do nothing" modification that never fails


The modification that never applies (i.e. always fails)

LtlAtom a

The modification that applies a given atomic modification at the | current time step

LtlOr (Ltl a) (Ltl a)

Disjunction will be interpreted in an "intuitionistic" way, i.e. as branching into the "timeline" where the left disjunct holds and the one where the right disjunct holds. In that sense, it is an exclusive or, as it does not introduce the branch where both disjuncts hold.

LtlAnd (Ltl a) (Ltl a)

Conjunction will be interpreted as "apply both modifications". Attention: The "apply both" operation will be user-defined for atomic modifications, so that conjunction may for example fail to be commutative if the operation on atomic modification is not commutative.

LtlNext (Ltl a)

Assert that the given formula holds at the next time step.

LtlUntil (Ltl a) (Ltl a)

Assert that the first formula holds at least until the second one begins to hold, which must happen eventually. The formulas

a `LtlUntil` b

and > b LtlOr (a LtlAnd LtlNext (a LtlUntil b))

are equivalent.

LtlRelease (Ltl a) (Ltl a)

Assert that the second formula has to be true up to and including the point when the first one becomes true; if that never happens, the second formula has to remain true forever. View this as dual to LtlUntil. The formulas

a `LtlRelease` b

and > b LtlAnd (a LtlOr LtlNext (a LtlRelease b))

are equivalent.


Instances details
Show a => Show (Ltl a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Cooked.Ltl


showsPrec :: Int -> Ltl a -> ShowS #

show :: Ltl a -> String #

showList :: [Ltl a] -> ShowS #