Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This module provides a staged implementation of our MonadBlockChain. The motivation behind this is to be able to modify traces using Ltl and Tweak while they are interpreted.



interpretAndRunWith :: (forall m. Monad m => MockChainT m a -> m res) -> StagedMockChain a -> [res] Source #

Interprets the staged mockchain then runs the resulting computation with a custom function. This can be used, for example, to supply a custom InitialDistribution by providing runMockChainTFrom.

type StagedMockChain = Staged MockChainOp Source #

type MonadModalBlockChain m = (MonadBlockChain m, MonadModal m, Modification m ~ UntypedTweak InterpMockChain) Source #

A modal mock chain is a mock chain that allows us to use LTL modifications with Tweaks

somewhere :: MonadModalBlockChain m => Tweak InterpMockChain b -> m a -> m a Source #

Apply a Tweak to some transaction in the given Trace. The tweak must apply at least once.

runTweak :: Tweak InterpMockChain a -> TxSkel -> [MockChainReturn a TxSkel] Source #

everywhere :: MonadModalBlockChain m => Tweak InterpMockChain b -> m a -> m a Source #

Apply a Tweak to every transaction in a given trace. This is also successful if there are no transactions at all.

withTweak :: MonadModalBlockChain m => m x -> Tweak InterpMockChain a -> m x Source #

Apply a Tweak to the next transaction in the given trace. The order of arguments is reversed compared to somewhere and everywhere, because that enables an idiom like

do ...
   endpoint arguments `withTweak` someModification

where endpoint builds and validates a single transaction depending on the given arguments. Then withTweak says "I want to modify the transaction returned by this endpoint in the following way".

there :: MonadModalBlockChain m => Integer -> Tweak InterpMockChain b -> m a -> m a Source #

Apply a Tweak to the (0-indexed) nth transaction in a given trace. Successful when this transaction exists and can be modified.

Orphan instances

MonadPlus m => MonadPlus (MockChainT m) Source # 
Instance details


mzero :: MockChainT m a #

mplus :: MockChainT m a -> MockChainT m a -> MockChainT m a #