
How to analyze R values in Haskell

Pattern matching on views

In order to avoid unnecessary copying or other overhead every time code crosses the boundary to/from R and Haskell, inline-r opts for the strategy of representing R values exactly as R itself does. However, R values cannot be pattern matched upon directly, since they do not share the same representation as values of algebraic datatypes in Haskell. Regardless, R values can still be deconstructed and pattern matched, provided a view function constructing a view of any given R value as an algebraic datatype. inline-r provides one such view function (in the Language.R.HExp module):

hexp :: SEXP s a -> HExp a

The HExp datatype is a view type for SEXP. Matching on a value of type HExp a is an alternative to using accessor functions to gain access to each field of the in-memory SEXP structure. The HExp datatype offers a view that exposes exactly what accessor functions would: it is a one-level unfolding of SEXP. See the inline-r internals document for further justifications for using one-level unfoldings and their relevance for performance.

We have for example that:

hexp H.nilValue == Nil
hexp (mkSEXP ([2, 3] :: [Double])) == Real (fromList ([2, 3] :: [Double]))

Where H.nilValue is the result of evaluating [r| NULL |]

Using a language extension known as ViewPatterns, we can use hexp to examine an expression to any depth rather compactly. For instance:

f (hexp -> Real xs) = _
f (hexp -> Lang rator (hexp -> List rand1 (hexp -> List rand2 _ _) _) = _
f (hexp -> Closure args body@(hexp -> Lang _ _) env) = _

R values and side effects

As explained previously, values of type SEXP s a are in fact pointers to structures stored on the R heap, an area of memory managed by the R interpreter. As such, one must take heed of the following two observations when using a pure function such as hexp to dereference such pointers.

First, just like regular Haskell values are allocated on the GHC heap and managed by the GHC runtime, values pointed to by SEXP’s are allocated on the R heap, managed by the R runtime. Therefore, the lifetime of a SEXP value cannot extrude the lifetime of the R runtime itself, just as any Haskell value becomes garbage once the GHC runtime is terminated. That is, never invoke hexp on a value outside of the dynamic scope of withEmbeddedR. This isn’t a problem in practice, because withEmbeddedR should be invoked only once, in the main function of the program, just as the GHC runtime is initialized and terminated only once, at the entry point of the binary (i.e., C’s main() function).

The second observation is that the hexp view function does pointer dereferencing, which is a side-effect, yet it claims to be a pure function. The pointer that is being dereferenced is the argument to the function, of type SEXP s a. The reason dereferencing a pointer is considered an effect is because its value depends on the state of the global memory at the time when it occurs. This is because a pointer identifies a memory location, called a cell, whose content can be mutated.

Why then, does hexp claim to be pure? The reason is that inline-r assumes and encourages a restricted mode of use of R that rules out mutation of the content of any cell. In the absence of mutation, dereferencing a pointer will always yield the same value, so no longer needs to be classified as an effect. The restricted mode of use in question bans any use of side-effects that break referential transparency. So-called benign side-effects, extremely common in R, do not compromise referential transparency and so are allowed.

Is such an assumption reasonable? After all, many R functions use mutation and other side effects internally. However, it is also the case that R uses value semantics, not reference semantics. That is, including when passing arguments to functions, variables are always bound to values, not to references to those values. Therefore, given e.g. a global binding x <- c(1, 2, 3), no call to any function f(x) will alter the value of x, because all side-effects of functions act on copies of x (the formal parameter of the function doesn’t share a reference). For example:

> x <- c(1,2,3)
> f <- function(y) y[1] <- 42
> f(x)
> x
[1] 1 2 3

Furthermore, in R, closures capture copies of their environment, so that even the following preserves the value of x:

> x <- c(1,2,3)
> f <- function() x[1] <- 42
> f()
> x
[1] 1 2 3

The upshot is that due to its value semantics, R effectively limits the scope of any mutation effects to the lexical scope of the function. Therefore, any function whose only side-effect is mutation is safe to call from a pure context.

Conversely, evaluating any SEXP in a pure context in Haskell is unsafe in the presence of mutation of the global environment. For example,

f :: SEXP s a -> (R s SomeSEXP,HExp a)
f x = let h = hexp x
         in ([r| x_hs <- 'hello' |], h)

The value of the expression snd (f x) depends on whether it is evaluated before or after evaluating the monadic computation fst (f x).

Note: inline-r merely encourages, but has of course no way of enforcing a principled use of R that keeps to benign side-effects, because owing to the dynamic typing of R code, there is no precise static analysis that can detect bad side-effects.

Physical and structural equality on R values

The standard library defines an Eq instance for Ptr, which simply compares the addresses of the pointers. Because SEXP s a is a Ptr in disguise, s1 == s2 where s1, s2 are SEXPs tests for physical equality, namely whether s1 and s2 are one and the same object.

Often this is not what we want. In fact most Eq instances in Haskell test for structural equality, a broader notion of equality. Under physical equality, Char x /= Char y even if x == y, whereas under structural equality, x == y implies Char x == Char y.

However, we need a notion broader still. Equality on two values of uniform type is too restrictive for HExp, which is a GADT. Consider symbols, which can be viewed using the Symbol constructor:

Symbol :: SEXP s (R.Vector Word8)
       -> SEXP s a
       -> Maybe (SEXP s b)
       -> HExp R.Symbol

The second field in a symbol is its “value”, which can be of any form, a priori unknown. Therefore, when comparing two symbols recursively, one cannot compare the two values at the same type. While type refinement occurring after pattern matching on the values themselves will always unify both types if the values are indeed equal, this is not known to be the case before pattern matching. In any case, we want to be also be able to compare values that are not in fact equal. For this, we need a slightly generalized notion of equality, called heterogeneous equality:

-- | Heterogeneous equality.
(===) :: TestEquality f => f a -> f b -> Bool
x === y = isJust $ testEquality x y

The TestEquality class comes from base. (===) is a generalization of (==) where the types of the arguments can be indexed by arbitrary types.

If the type checker knows statically how to unify the types of two values you want to compare, then (==) suffices. This is the case most of the time. But if not, then you can use (===) to compare the values.

The Eq instance for HExp is defined in terms of the HEq instance. See H.HExp for its definition. It compares values for structural equality.