
Building and installing HaskellR

Note: if you prefer to use your system’s globally installed packages and to install from Hackage, see the section below. If you run into any issues see the support page.

The easiest way to get started on Linux or OS X is using Stack and its built-in Nix support:

$ git clone
$ cd HaskellR
$ git tag -l                        # list releases
$ git checkout v<latest-release>    # skip if you want the master branch
$ stack --nix build

You can make passing --nix to all Stack commands implicit by adding

  enable: true

to your stack.yaml. Alternatively, use Docker, which like Nix obviates the need to install any dependencies globally on your system:

$ stack --docker build

Non sandboxed builds from Hackage

If you’d rather use your system’s globally installed packages, here are the system dependencies we rely on:

  • pkg-config,
  • R version 3.0.2 or later (3.1 or later required for test suite).
  • (Optional) ZeroMQ 3.0 or later.
  • (Optional) Jupyter/IPython version 3.2 or later.

OS X users: use Homebrew to install dependencies, e.g.

$ brew update
$ brew tap homebrew/science
$ brew install r zeromq
$ pip install ipython    # Only needed for IHaskell support

Windows users: Only inline-r and H are supported (no Jupyter support yet). After installing R somewhere on your system, you’ll need to pass additional flags when building and installing, as in the following example:

$ stack build H --extra-lib-dirs=C:\R\bin\i386 --extra-include-dirs=C:\R\include

Once the system dependencies are installed, you can install H or the Jupyter kernel as below.

Installing H

You can launch the H interactive environment locally:

$ stack [--nix|--docker] exec H

But you can also install it user-globally to ~/.local/bin:

$ stack build --copy-bins H

Make sure to include the installation directory in your PATH. On UNIX systems:

$ export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH

Installing Jupyter/IHaskell support for inline-r

H is a very basic interactive environment. It is easy to install. If you would like a more featureful environment, HaskellR includes a plugin for Jupyter’s IHaskell kernel. Since the latter depends on a number of system libraries that may or may not be installed using exactly the right configuration by your distribution, on Linux and OS X it is recommended to use Stack’s Nix or Docker support to get reliable installs.

$ stack [--docker|--nix] exec ihaskell install

Now, you can open a new Jupyter notebook in your browser using

$ stack [--docker|--nix] exec jupyter notebook

After launching the Jupyter notebook server you can visit


in your browser for an interactive tutorial, which is available in static form here.