Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
A Rope
connects together various effect Strand
s that get interlaced
A Strand
is an effet with a parameter and an output. No constraint is
placed on the Strand
, but once combined in a Rope
, that Rope
will be
an Arrow
and a Profunctor
. Strand
s in a Rope
are named via labels to
limit ambiguity.
An action that targets some Strand
can be lifted to a Rope
that contains
that Strand
with the strand
- module Data.Profunctor.Trans
- newtype Cayley (f :: k -> Type) (p :: k1 -> k2 -> k) (a :: k1) (b :: k2) = Cayley {
- runCayley :: f (p a b)
- data Rope (record :: RopeRec) (mantle :: [Strand]) (core :: BinEff) a b
- type TightRope = Rope ARec
- type LooseRope = Rope Rec
- tighten :: (RecApplicative m, RPureConstrained (IndexableField m) m) => LooseRope m core :-> TightRope m core
- loosen :: NatToInt (RLength m) => TightRope m core :-> LooseRope m core
- mapRopeCore :: (core a b -> core a' b') -> Rope r m core a b -> Rope r m core a' b'
- mergeStrands :: Label n1 -> Label n2 -> LooseRope ('(n1, binEff) ': ('(n2, binEff) ': mantle)) core :-> LooseRope ('(n1, binEff) ': mantle) core
- type BinEff = * -> * -> *
- type Strand = (Symbol, BinEff)
- type (:::) (a :: k) (b :: k1) = '(a, b)
- type family StrandName t where ...
- type family StrandEff t where ...
- type family InRope l eff rope where ...
- type AllInMantle strands mantle core = (NatToInt (RLength mantle), RecApplicative mantle, RPureConstrained (IndexableField mantle) mantle, LooseRope mantle core `Entwines` strands, TightRope mantle core `Entwines` strands)
- strand :: InRope l eff (Rope r m c) => Label l -> eff :-> Rope r m c
- mapStrand :: InRope l eff (Rope r m c) => Label l -> (eff :-> eff) -> Rope r m c :-> Rope r m c
- weave :: forall name binEff mantle core. Label name -> ((LooseRope ('(name, binEff) ': mantle) core :-> core) -> binEff :-> core) -> LooseRope ('(name, binEff) ': mantle) core :-> LooseRope mantle core
- weave' :: forall name binEff mantle core. Label name -> (binEff :-> core) -> LooseRope ('(name, binEff) ': mantle) core :-> LooseRope mantle core
- weaveK :: HasKleisli m core => Label name -> (forall a b. binEff a b -> a -> m b) -> LooseRope ('(name, binEff) ': mantle) core :-> LooseRope mantle core
- class WeaveAll mantle core where
- retwine :: RetwinableAs r strands core strands' => Rope r strands core :-> Rope r strands' core
- untwine :: LooseRope '[] core :-> core
- type AnyRopeWith strands coreConstraints a b = forall mantle r core. (Rope r mantle core `Entwines` strands, core `SatisfiesAll` coreConstraints) => Rope r mantle core a b
- type TightRopeWith strands coreConstraints a b = forall mantle core. (TightRope mantle core `Entwines` strands, core `SatisfiesAll` coreConstraints) => TightRope mantle core a b
- type LooseRopeWith strands coreConstraints a b = forall mantle core. (LooseRope mantle core `Entwines` strands, core `SatisfiesAll` coreConstraints) => LooseRope mantle core a b
- type family Entwines rope (strands :: [Strand]) :: Constraint where ...
- type family SatisfiesAll (x :: k) (csts :: [k -> Constraint]) :: Constraint where ...
- type (:->) (p :: k -> k1 -> Type) (q :: k -> k1 -> Type) = forall (a :: k) (b :: k1). p a b -> q a b
- data Label (a :: Symbol)
- fromLabel :: IsLabel x a => a
- (&) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
- mkRope :: (record (Weaver core) mantle -> core a b) -> Rope record mantle core a b
- runRope :: Rope record mantle core a b -> record (Weaver core) mantle -> core a b
module Data.Profunctor.Trans
newtype Cayley (f :: k -> Type) (p :: k1 -> k2 -> k) (a :: k1) (b :: k2) #
Static arrows. Lifted by Applicative
has a polymorphic kind since 5.6
data Rope (record :: RopeRec) (mantle :: [Strand]) (core :: BinEff) a b Source #
is a free arrow built out of _several_ binary effects (ie. effects
with kind * -> * -> *). These effects are called Strand
s, they compose the
, can be interpreted in an interp
effect and can be interlaced "on
top" of an existing core
TryEffect ex core => TryEffect ex (Rope record mantle core) Source # | |
ThrowEffect ex core => ThrowEffect ex (Rope record mantle core) Source # | |
SieveTrans f core => SieveTrans f (Rope record mantle core) Source # | |
HasAutoIdent eff core => HasAutoIdent eff (Rope record mantle core) Source # | |
Defined in Control.Kernmantle.Rope Methods liftAutoIdent :: (ArrowIdent -> eff a b) -> Rope record mantle core a b Source # | |
Category core => Category (Rope record mantle core :: Type -> Type -> Type) Source # | |
Bifunctor core => Bifunctor (Rope record mantle core) Source # | |
Arrow core => Arrow (Rope record mantle core) Source # | |
Defined in Control.Kernmantle.Rope Methods arr :: (b -> c) -> Rope record mantle core b c # first :: Rope record mantle core b c -> Rope record mantle core (b, d) (c, d) # second :: Rope record mantle core b c -> Rope record mantle core (d, b) (d, c) # (***) :: Rope record mantle core b c -> Rope record mantle core b' c' -> Rope record mantle core (b, b') (c, c') # (&&&) :: Rope record mantle core b c -> Rope record mantle core b c' -> Rope record mantle core b (c, c') # | |
ArrowZero core => ArrowZero (Rope record mantle core) Source # | |
Defined in Control.Kernmantle.Rope | |
ArrowPlus core => ArrowPlus (Rope record mantle core) Source # | |
ArrowChoice core => ArrowChoice (Rope record mantle core) Source # | |
Defined in Control.Kernmantle.Rope Methods left :: Rope record mantle core b c -> Rope record mantle core (Either b d) (Either c d) # right :: Rope record mantle core b c -> Rope record mantle core (Either d b) (Either d c) # (+++) :: Rope record mantle core b c -> Rope record mantle core b' c' -> Rope record mantle core (Either b b') (Either c c') # (|||) :: Rope record mantle core b d -> Rope record mantle core c d -> Rope record mantle core (Either b c) d # | |
ArrowLoop core => ArrowLoop (Rope record mantle core) Source # | |
Defined in Control.Kernmantle.Rope | |
Biapplicative core => Biapplicative (Rope record mantle core) Source # | |
Defined in Control.Kernmantle.Rope Methods bipure :: a -> b -> Rope record mantle core a b # (<<*>>) :: Rope record mantle core (a -> b) (c -> d) -> Rope record mantle core a c -> Rope record mantle core b d # biliftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> (d -> e -> f) -> Rope record mantle core a d -> Rope record mantle core b e -> Rope record mantle core c f # (*>>) :: Rope record mantle core a b -> Rope record mantle core c d -> Rope record mantle core c d # (<<*) :: Rope record mantle core a b -> Rope record mantle core c d -> Rope record mantle core a b # | |
Mapping core => Mapping (Rope record mantle core) Source # | |
Traversing core => Traversing (Rope record mantle core) Source # | |
Defined in Control.Kernmantle.Rope | |
Choice core => Choice (Rope record mantle core) Source # | |
Cochoice core => Cochoice (Rope record mantle core) Source # | |
Closed core => Closed (Rope record mantle core) Source # | |
Defined in Control.Kernmantle.Rope | |
Strong core => Strong (Rope record mantle core) Source # | |
Costrong core => Costrong (Rope record mantle core) Source # | |
Profunctor core => Profunctor (Rope record mantle core) Source # | |
Defined in Control.Kernmantle.Rope Methods dimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> Rope record mantle core b c -> Rope record mantle core a d # lmap :: (a -> b) -> Rope record mantle core b c -> Rope record mantle core a c # rmap :: (b -> c) -> Rope record mantle core a b -> Rope record mantle core a c # (#.) :: forall a b c q. Coercible c b => q b c -> Rope record mantle core a b -> Rope record mantle core a c # (.#) :: forall a b c q. Coercible b a => Rope record mantle core b c -> q a b -> Rope record mantle core a c # |
tighten :: (RecApplicative m, RPureConstrained (IndexableField m) m) => LooseRope m core :-> TightRope m core Source #
mapRopeCore :: (core a b -> core a' b') -> Rope r m core a b -> Rope r m core a' b' Source #
Applies a function on the core action of the Rope
mergeStrands :: Label n1 -> Label n2 -> LooseRope ('(n1, binEff) ': ('(n2, binEff) ': mantle)) core :-> LooseRope ('(n1, binEff) ': mantle) core Source #
Merge two strands that have the same effect type. Keeps the first name.
Binary Effects and Strands
type BinEff = * -> * -> * Source #
The kind for all binary effects. First param is usually an input (contravariant) of the effect and second one an output (covariant).
type Strand = (Symbol, BinEff) Source #
The kind for a named binary effect. Must remain a tuple because that's what vinyl expects.
type family StrandName t where ... Source #
StrandName '(name, eff) = name |
type family InRope l eff rope where ... Source #
Tells that a strand of effects '(l,eff) is present in the rope
InRope l eff (Rope record mantle core) = (HasField record l mantle mantle eff eff, RecElemFCtx record (Weaver core)) |
type AllInMantle strands mantle core = (NatToInt (RLength mantle), RecApplicative mantle, RPureConstrained (IndexableField mantle) mantle, LooseRope mantle core `Entwines` strands, TightRope mantle core `Entwines` strands) Source #
Useful for functions that want to use tighten/loosen
mapStrand :: InRope l eff (Rope r m c) => Label l -> (eff :-> eff) -> Rope r m c :-> Rope r m c Source #
Rope Interpretation
:: forall name binEff mantle core. Label name | The name of the strand to be woven. |
-> ((LooseRope ('(name, binEff) ': mantle) core :-> core) -> binEff :-> core) | The interpretation function for the effect, which can depend on the global interpretation function for the rope. |
-> LooseRope ('(name, binEff) ': mantle) core :-> LooseRope mantle core | An interpretation function for a |
Adds a new effect strand in the Rope
by decribing how to interpret that
in the core. The interpretation function is fed the fixpoint of all
interpretation functions, meaning the interpretation function can itself use
effects in the Rope
. For example, given an effect Eff
, whose label is
"effect" being interpreted in a core effect CoreEff
, one first defines an
interpretation function:
interpret :: (LooseRope '("effect",Eff) ': mantle) core :-> CoreEff) -> Eff a b -> CoreEff a b interpret :: (LooseRope '("effect",Eff) ': mantle) core :-> CoreEff) -> (Eff :-> CoreEff)
where p :-> q
corresponds to forall a b. p a b -> q a b
, and obtain an
interpreter for the strand:
strandInterpreter :: LooseRope ('("effect",Eff) ': mantle) CoreEff :-> LooseRope mantle CoreEff strandInterpreter = weave #effect interpret
:: forall name binEff mantle core. Label name | The name of the strand to be woven. |
-> (binEff :-> core) | The interpretation function for the effect. |
-> LooseRope ('(name, binEff) ': mantle) core :-> LooseRope mantle core | An interpretation function for a |
A version of weave
where the strand can be directly interpreted in the
core with no need to trigger other effects. For example, given an effect
, whose label is "effect" being interpreted in a core effect CoreEff
one first defines an interpretation function:
interpret :: Eff a b -> CoreEff a b interpret :: Eff :-> CoreEff
and obtain an interpreter for the strand:
strandInterpreter :: LooseRope ('("effect",Eff) ': mantle) CoreEff :-> LooseRope mantle CoreEff strandInterpreter = weave' #effect interpret
weaveK :: HasKleisli m core => Label name -> (forall a b. binEff a b -> a -> m b) -> LooseRope ('(name, binEff) ': mantle) core :-> LooseRope mantle core Source #
A shortcut for weave'
when your core HasKleisli
class WeaveAll mantle core where Source #
weaveAll :: (forall lbl eff. lbl -> eff :-> core) -> LooseRope mantle core :-> core Source #
Weaves all the remaining strands in the core, provided a polymorphic-enough interpretation function can be provided.
This function is notably useful to implement the "Rope-in-Rope" pattern,
when a Rope
(possibly wrapped in Cayley
) is used as the code for
another Rope
. weaveAll
in that case permits to transfer all the effects
of the outer Rope
to the core Rope
retwine :: RetwinableAs r strands core strands' => Rope r strands core :-> Rope r strands' core Source #
type AnyRopeWith strands coreConstraints a b = forall mantle r core. (Rope r mantle core `Entwines` strands, core `SatisfiesAll` coreConstraints) => Rope r mantle core a b Source #
A AnyRopeWith strands costraints
is a Rope
with contains the strands
in the variable strands
, and whose core effect obeys the constraints in
the contraints
type TightRopeWith strands coreConstraints a b = forall mantle core. (TightRope mantle core `Entwines` strands, core `SatisfiesAll` coreConstraints) => TightRope mantle core a b Source #
type LooseRopeWith strands coreConstraints a b = forall mantle core. (LooseRope mantle core `Entwines` strands, core `SatisfiesAll` coreConstraints) => LooseRope mantle core a b Source #
type family Entwines rope (strands :: [Strand]) :: Constraint where ... Source #
Tells whether a collection of strands
is in a Rope
Entwines rope '[] = () | |
Entwines rope ('(name, eff) ': strands) = (InRope name eff rope, rope `Entwines` strands) |
type family SatisfiesAll (x :: k) (csts :: [k -> Constraint]) :: Constraint where ... Source #
Tells whether a type satisfies all the given constraints.
SatisfiesAll x '[] = () | |
SatisfiesAll x (c1 ': cnsts) = (c1 x, x `SatisfiesAll` cnsts) |
type (:->) (p :: k -> k1 -> Type) (q :: k -> k1 -> Type) = forall (a :: k) (b :: k1). p a b -> q a b infixr 0 #
) has a polymorphic kind since 5.6
Proxy for label type