Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




data Payable :: [Symbol] -> Type where Source #

Payable elements. Created from concrete elements or composed. Notice that there is no way of building an element of Type Payable '[] so when using an element of Type Payable els we are sure that something was in fact paid.


VisibleHashedDatum :: TxSkelOutDatumConstrs a => a -> Payable '["Datum"]

Hashed datums visible in the transaction are payable

InlineDatum :: TxSkelOutDatumConstrs a => a -> Payable '["Datum"]

Inline datums are payable

HiddenHashedDatum :: TxSkelOutDatumConstrs a => a -> Payable '["Datum"]

Hashed datums hidden from the transaction are payable

ReferenceScript :: ToVersionedScript s => s -> Payable '["Reference Script"]

Reference scripts are payable

Value :: ToValue a => a -> Payable '["Value"]

Values are payable and are subject to min ada adjustment

FixedValue :: ToValue a => a -> Payable '["Value"]

Fixed Values are payable but are NOT subject to min ada adjustment

StakingCredential :: ToMaybeStakingCredential cred => cred -> Payable '["Staking Credential"]

Staking credentials are payable

PayableAnd :: els ⩀ els' => Payable els -> Payable els' -> Payable (els ∪ els')

Payables can be combined as long as their list of tags are disjoint

(<&&>) :: els ⩀ els' => Payable els -> Payable els' -> Payable (els ∪ els') Source #

Basically re-exporting PayableAnd as a builtin operator