# Example: ML Pipeline with Funflow, Tensorflow, and Docker
In this example, we will examine a common use case for workflow tools: orchestrating the training and deployment of ML models.
We've prepared two Python scripts: train_mnist.py
and inference_mnist.py
. These scripts contain logic for training an image classifier and
making predictions using the trained classifier. They are written using the Python Tensorflow API and have some additional Python package dependencies which are
defined in a requirements.txt
file. Our goal in this example is to use funflow
to train a new model using train_mnist.py
and test it out on some demo images using inference_mnist.py
While you might already have Python and Tensorflow installed on your development machine, deploying these scripts to a production environment can be tricky. Docker containers are a common solution to this problem since they allow you to prepare an isolated environment which contains your application's dependencies. Lucky for us, funflow
supports running DockerTasks
out of the box, and there is a pre-prepared tensorflow image already available on DockerHub. All we need to do is add our script and its dependencies to it at runtime. Our flow
will take care of running our scripts in Docker containers, passing the trained model between them, and extracting the final output.
Our final flow
DAG will look like:
Let's get started.
First, we need to enable a couple of Haskell language extensions and run some imports:
:opt no-lint
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
-- Funflow libraries
import qualified Data.CAS.ContentStore as CS
import Funflow
( Flow,
import qualified Funflow.Tasks.Docker as DE
-- Other libraries
import Path (toFilePath, Abs, Dir, Path, Rel, File, absdir, mkRelDir, parseAbsDir, relfile, reldir, (</>))
import Path.IO (makeAbsolute)
import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory)
import Codec.Picture (readImage, DynamicImage, generateImage, convertRGB16, PixelRGB16 (..))
## Task 1. Adding data to the funflow
content store
Since we are using the pre-built tensorflow
Docker container, we'll need to mount our scripts to it as a volume. To promote reproducibility, funflow
only supports mounting host directories to docker containers using its internal content store which keeps track of directory contents via hashes. This means that we'll need to ingest our script directory before running any Docker tasks:
-- | Helper for getting the absolute path to the tensorflow example directory
tfExampleDir :: () -> IO (Path Abs Dir)
tfExampleDir _ = do
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
cwdAbs <- parseAbsDir cwd
return $ cwdAbs </> [reldir|./tensorflow-example|]
-- | A `Flow` which copies the tensorflow example to the content store
-- so it can be used in downstream tasks
copyExampleToStore :: Flow () CS.Item
copyExampleToStore = proc _ -> do
exampleDir <- ioFlow tfExampleDir -< ()
putDirFlow -< exampleDir
## Task 2. Training the model
Now that we've defined a task for adding our Python scripts to the content store, we are ready to define a docker task which will run our model training script.
The output of our script is a serialized version of our model. Docker tasks in funflow
return a content store directory of type CS.Item
containing all files generated in the container's working directory.
trainTaskConfig :: DE.DockerTaskConfig
trainTaskConfig =
{ DE.image = "tensorflow/tensorflow:2.3.0",
DE.command = "bash",
-- Note: we are installing our script's requirements so we can use the default tensorflow image
-- we could have also prepared an image with these requirements already installed.
DE.args =
[ "-c",
"pip install -r /tensorflow-example/requirements.txt && \
\ python /tensorflow-example/train_mnist.py --n_epochs 10 ./model"
-- | Trains a tensorflow digit recognition model and outputs the serialized model
trainModel :: Flow CS.Item CS.Item
trainModel = proc exampleItem -> do
-- Define a volume for the example directory
let exampleVolume = DE.VolumeBinding {DE.item = exampleItem, DE.mount = [absdir|/tensorflow-example/|]}
(dockerFlow trainTaskConfig) -< DE.DockerTaskInput {DE.inputBindings = [exampleVolume], DE.argsVals = mempty}
## Task 3. Making predictions
With our model trained, the final task in our flow is to run the model on a set of demo images which are included with the example scripts. Since the trained model was output from our training task as a content store item, we can mount it directly to the container in our next Docker task.
inferenceTaskConfig :: DE.DockerTaskConfig
inferenceTaskConfig =
{ DE.image = "tensorflow/tensorflow:2.3.0",
DE.command = "bash",
DE.args =
[ "-c",
"pip install -r /tensorflow-example/requirements.txt && \
\ python /tensorflow-example/inference_mnist.py /trained/model /tensorflow-example/demo-images ./summary.png"
-- | Runs a trained tensorflow digit recognition model on some demo images and outputs a plot
-- of its classifications.
runModel :: Flow (CS.Item, CS.Item) CS.Item
runModel = proc (exampleItem, trainedModelItem) -> do
-- Define volumes for the example directory and the previously trained model
let exampleVolume = DE.VolumeBinding {DE.item = exampleItem, DE.mount = [absdir|/tensorflow-example/|]}
let trainedModelVolume = DE.VolumeBinding {DE.item = trainedModelItem, DE.mount = [absdir|/trained/|]}
dockerFlow inferenceTaskConfig -< DE.DockerTaskInput {DE.inputBindings = [exampleVolume, trainedModelVolume], DE.argsVals = mempty}
## Task 4. Displaying model results
The inference_mnist.py
script outputs a plot summarizing its predictions for the demo images. We can create a simple IOFlow
to read this file and render it.
-- | Helper function for reading an image file with a consistent
-- return type. If the image file can't be read, a default black
-- image will be returned.
readImageWithDefault :: String -> IO (Image PixelRGB16)
readImageWithDefault imagePath = do
img <- readImage imagePath
case img of
Left errorMessage -> do
putStrLn "There was an error reading the image file"
putStrLn errorMessage
putStrLn "Returning a blank default image"
return $ generateImage (\x y -> PixelRGB16 0 0 0) 128 128
Right img -> return $ convertRGB16 img
plotSummary :: Flow String (Image PixelRGB16)
plotSummary = ioFlow readImageWithDefault
## Constructing and running the flow
With that, we are ready to construct our final Flow
flow :: Flow () (Image PixelRGB16)
flow = proc _ -> do
-- 1. Add the example to the content store
tensorflowExample <- copyExampleToStore -< ()
-- 2. Train the model
trainedModel <- trainModel -< tensorflowExample
-- 3. Run the newly trained model on the images included in the example directory
modelSummary <- runModel -< (tensorflowExample, trainedModel)
-- Get the absolute path of the content store directory where the outputs for `inference_mnist.py`
-- were saved.
outputDir <- getDirFlow -< modelSummary
-- inference_mnist.py creates a summary plot in its output directory under the name `summary.png`.
-- we can write another simple flow to append this to the output path we found in the previous task.
summaryFile <- pureFlow (\x -> toFilePath (x </> [relfile|summary.png|])) -< outputDir
-- 4. And finally, we can read the summary plot file and return it as an Image so it can be rendered.
plotSummary -< summaryFile
And finally, we can run the flow and show its output. Note that this may take a few minutes to run since we are training the model.
-- Note: using a local content store directory instead
-- of the default in the `runFlow` config. this allows the notebook
-- to work more consistently in different users' environments,
-- but in principle you could replace this block with a
-- simple `runFlow flow () :: IO (Image PixelRGB16)`
flowOutput :: IO (Image PixelRGB16)
flowOutput = do
cwd <- parseAbsDir =<< getCurrentDirectory
let storeDirPath = cwd </> [reldir|./.tmp/store|]
(runFlowWithConfig RunFlowConfig {storePath = storeDirPath, configFile = Nothing}) flow ()
-- We need to call the value so the output gets rendered in the Jupyter notebook.
/home/runner/work/funflow/funflow/funflow-tutorial/notebooks/TensorflowDocker/.tmp/store/pending-e4e7c7393ba199bee5a1fe6fc4f4a226c1e1a738ee4dcd8a32b2e49d80849b08/model: copyFile:atomicCopyFileContents:withReplacementFile:openBinaryTempFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)