# Configuration
Funflow provides support for configuring a Flow
via a YAML config file or environment variables. Support for automatically generated CLI flags is also planned but as of the writing of this tutorial has not been implemented.
If a Task you are using contains a Configurable
argument, when you write your Flow
you will need to specify the configuration via one of three constructors: Literal
, ConfigFromEnv
, or ConfigFromFile
. For example, the args :: [Arg]
field of the DockerTask
supports configurable args. Let's look at a few examples; first, here are the main imports and extensions we'll use.
:opt no-lint -- Hide unused pragma warnings.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-- Note: Using OverloadedStrings with DockerTask since it will automatically
-- make sure that any `Literal` strings we write are of type `Arg`
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
import Control.Exception.Safe (StringException(..), try)
import Control.Monad.Catch (handleIf)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Path (Abs, Dir, File, Path, Rel, parseAbsDir, reldir, relfile, toFilePath, (</>))
import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory)
import System.Environment (lookupEnv, setEnv, unsetEnv)
import qualified Data.CAS.ContentStore as CS
import Funflow
import Funflow.Tasks.Docker
import Funflow.Config (Configurable (Literal, ConfigFromFile, ConfigFromEnv))
flow1 = dockerFlow $
DockerTaskConfig {
args=["this is a hard-coded literal value, the next value is:", Arg $ ConfigFromEnv "CONFIGURING_FLOWS"]
We've declared that our task will use two arguments: a literal value that will simply be echo
ed back to us, and a value to be determined by an environment variables. Now we just need to set the CONFIGURING_FLOWS
environment variable and run the task:
setEnv "CONFIGURING_FLOWS" "'hello from an environment variable!'"
runFlow flow1 DockerTaskInput {inputBindings = [], argsVals = mempty} :: IO (CS.Item)
Found docker images, pulling... Pulling docker image: alpine:latest 2022-10-07T09:23:29.522362181Z this is a hard-coded literal value, the next value is: hello from an environment variable! Item {itemHash = ContentHash "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"}
## YAML File
To configure a task via config file, use the ConfigFromFile
constructor and pass a file path to runFlowWithConfig
getStoreAndConfig :: IO (Path Abs Dir, Path Abs File)
getStoreAndConfig = do
cwd <- parseAbsDir =<< getCurrentDirectory
let storeDirPath = cwd </> [reldir|./.tmp/store|]
configFilePath = cwd </> [relfile|./flow.yaml|]
return (storeDirPath, configFilePath)
getTempRunConf :: IO RunFlowConfig
getTempRunConf = (\(d, f) -> RunFlowConfig{ configFile = Just f, storePath = d }) <$> getStoreAndConfig
-- Inspect the config file and create the related Arg.
lines <$> ((toFilePath . snd <$> getStoreAndConfig) >>= readFile)
goodFileArg = Arg $ ConfigFromFile "ourMessage"
["ourMessage: \"Hello from the flow.yaml\"","ourOtherValue: 42"]
-- helper to run flows for this section of the demo
runWithEmptyInput :: [Arg] -> IO CS.Item
runWithEmptyInput confArgs =
let taskConf = DockerTaskConfig{ image = "alpine:latest", command = "echo", args = confArgs }
in getTempRunConf >>= (\runCfg -> runFlowWithConfig runCfg (dockerFlow taskConf) (mempty :: DockerTaskInput) )
runWithEmptyInput [goodFileArg]
Found docker images, pulling... Pulling docker image: alpine:latest 2022-10-07T09:23:32.315382937Z Hello from the flow.yaml Item {itemHash = ContentHash "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"}
s¶As noted, a Configurable
argument may constructed one of three ways:
Since each yields a Configurable a
value, though, we may mix these when we provide the args
list to a task configuration.
-- Mixing literal and file config
runWithEmptyInput ["I'm a literal", goodFileArg]
Found docker images, pulling... Pulling docker image: alpine:latest 2022-10-07T09:23:34.231553696Z I'm a literal Hello from the flow.yaml Item {itemHash = ContentHash "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"}
setEnv "SECOND_GREETING" "I'm from an env var!"
Just "I'm from an env var!"
-- Mixing config file and env var.
runWithEmptyInput [goodFileArg, Arg $ ConfigFromEnv "SECOND_GREETING"]
Found docker images, pulling... Pulling docker image: alpine:latest 2022-10-07T09:23:36.538071830Z Hello from the flow.yaml I'm from an env var! Item {itemHash = ContentHash "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"}
We can also mix Placeholder
s with Configurable
currArgs = [goodFileArg, Arg $ ConfigFromEnv "SECOND_GREETING", Placeholder "par3"]
currInput = DockerTaskInput{ inputBindings = [], argsVals = Map.fromList [("par3", "hello-from-placeholder")] }
taskConf = DockerTaskConfig{ image = "alpine:latest", command = "echo", args = currArgs }
getTempRunConf >>= (\runCfg -> runFlowWithConfig runCfg (dockerFlow taskConf) currInput :: IO CS.Item)
Found docker images, pulling... Pulling docker image: alpine:latest 2022-10-07T09:23:38.460348004Z Hello from the flow.yaml I'm from an env var! hello-from-placeholder Item {itemHash = ContentHash "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"}
Another key point is that configuration precedes execution. This means if a failure is inevitable due to an incomplete or illegal configuration, we can fail early by detecting that fact before we ever actually run anything. Here we set up simple examples to demonstrate, but imagine the time (and perhaps money!) that could be saved when failure would occur after a long-running computation.
First, note that regardless of how an argument is constructed, execution requires a value for the argument (though for a Literal
this is trivial.) To see this, we'll catch exceptions of type StringException
since that's what should arise when a configuration is illegal or incomplete. Any other result will yield an alarming message. We thus define a helper:
-- First, define a helper for running a simple echo command
import Control.Exception (SomeException)
runEcho1 :: Arg -> Maybe RunFlowConfig -> Maybe DockerTaskInput -> IO ()
runEcho1 arg runConfOpt taskInOpt =
let taskConf = DockerTaskConfig{ image = "alpine:latest", command = "echo", args = [arg] }
taskIn = fromMaybe mempty taskInOpt
getStore = (</> [reldir|./.tmp/store|]) <$> (getCurrentDirectory >>= parseAbsDir)
mkRunConf = case runConfOpt of
Nothing -> (\s -> RunFlowConfig{ configFile = Nothing, storePath = s }) <$> getStore
Just rc -> pure rc
in do
runCfg <- mkRunConf
result <- try $ (runFlowWithConfig runCfg (dockerFlow taskConf) taskIn :: IO CS.Item)
case result of
Left (StringException msg _) -> putStrLn ("Successfully caught exception: " ++ msg)
Left ex -> putStrLn ("Unexpected error: " ++ show ex)
Right _ -> putStrLn "Unintended success :/"
Note that this works when the argument is a literal, and we're simply echoed whatever we provide, and we'll get an "unintended success" message:
runEcho1 "salut, funflow" Nothing Nothing
Found docker images, pulling... Pulling docker image: alpine:latest 2022-10-07T09:23:40.485880851Z salut, funflow Unintended success :/
But if we set up an argument as a placeholder or as configurable by environment variable or configuration file, we will get an error when the argument can't be configured:
-- Set up env var config failure.
isNothing <$> lookupEnv "MY_TMP_EV"
-- failure from environment variable
runEcho1 (Arg $ ConfigFromEnv "MY_TMP_EV") Nothing Nothing
Successfully caught exception: Missing the following required config keys: ["MY_TMP_EV"]
-- failure from file configurable
(d, f) <- getStoreAndConfig
readFile (toFilePath f) >>= print . lines
runEcho1 (Arg $ ConfigFromFile "MY_TMP_EV") (Just RunFlowConfig{ configFile = Just f, storePath = d }) Nothing
["ourMessage: \"Hello from the flow.yaml\"","ourOtherValue: 42"] Successfully caught exception: Missing the following required config keys: ["MY_TMP_EV"]
-- failure from placeholder
runEcho1 (Placeholder "WONT_BE_FILLED") Nothing (Just DockerTaskInput{ inputBindings = [], argsVals = mempty })
Found docker images, pulling... Pulling docker image: alpine:latest Successfully caught exception: Docker task failed with configuration errors: ["Unfilled label (WONT_BE_FILLED)"]
When the argument can be configured, though, as expected there's no issue:
-- now the positive case, to show that the error catch is specific to an actual error and doesn't just occur generally
runEcho1 (Placeholder "WONT_BE_FILLED") Nothing (Just DockerTaskInput{ inputBindings = [], argsVals = Map.fromList [("WONT_BE_FILLED", "surprise!")] })
Found docker images, pulling... Pulling docker image: alpine:latest 2022-10-07T09:23:44.049747695Z surprise! Unintended success :/
-- Set stage for config-time error.
isNothing <$> lookupEnv "SECOND_GREETING"
-- Trigger a config-time error.
res <- try (runWithEmptyInput [goodFileArg, Arg $ ConfigFromEnv "SECOND_GREETING"])
case res of
Left (StringException msg _) -> putStrLn ("Caught error: " ++ msg)
Right _ -> error "Unexpected success!"
Caught error: Missing the following required config keys: ["SECOND_GREETING"]
Note here that rather execution fails right away (in fact, as the flow is configuring the task, before any execution really begins).
More specifically, rather first echo
ing the value that our config file assigns to "ourMessage"
, the flow catches the error before any action occurs (i.e., when the underlying task is configured, rather than as it's running).
Also important is that configuration is dynamic. Although task execution is decoupled from configuration, a new run triggers a fresh interpretation, which allows a flow's configuration to be reconsidered before it's run again.
-- pretest
unsetEnv "NOT_STATIC"
isNothing <$> lookupEnv "NOT_STATIC"
type DockFlow = Flow DockerTaskInput CS.Item
-- First, a little helper to run flows for this demo
runDynaDemo :: DockFlow -> IO ()
runDynaDemo currFlow = do
(s, _) <- getStoreAndConfig
result <- try ( runFlowWithConfig RunFlowConfig{ configFile = Nothing, storePath = s } currFlow (mempty :: DockerTaskInput) :: IO CS.Item )
case result of
Left (StringException msg _) -> putStrLn ("flow failed: " ++ msg)
Right _ -> putStrLn "flow succeeded!"
-- Build the flow that will first fail, then succeed.
dynaFlow = dockerFlow DockerTaskConfig{ image = "alpine:latest", command = "echo", args = [Arg $ ConfigFromEnv "NOT_STATIC"] }
runDynaDemo dynaFlow
flow failed: Missing the following required config keys: ["NOT_STATIC"]
setEnv "NOT_STATIC" "works now!"
isJust <$> lookupEnv "NOT_STATIC"
runDynaDemo dynaFlow
Found docker images, pulling... Pulling docker image: alpine:latest 2022-10-07T09:23:49.078870747Z works now! flow succeeded!
Besides its own practical value, this property strengthens the equivalence of functionality between files and environment variables with respect to filling configurables. Namely, each runWithConfigFile
provides an opportunity for different configuration through RunFlowConfig
, so it's natural for any configuration that's influenced by environment variables to be reconsidered on a per-run basis.