-- | This module exposes off-chain pretty-printing functions for transaction
-- skeletons, utxo states, addresses, pubkey hashes, values, etc.
-- We provide the 'PrettyCooked' class and instances for common Plutus types.
-- We don't rely on 'Pretty' from "Prettyprinter" in order to define better
-- printers for Plutus types which already have instances of 'Pretty'. Also,
-- 'PrettyCooked' makes it possible to optionally modify pretty printing
-- settings 'PrettyCookedOpts' (e.g. length of printed hashes).
-- == Requirements on datum and redeemers
-- Datums and redeemers are required to have a 'PrettyCooked' instance.
-- For trivial datatypes, you can rely on Show by using 'viaShow' from
-- "Prettyprinter": 'prettyCooked = Prettyprinter.viaShow'.
-- For more complex datatypes, you can rely on existing 'PrettyCooked'
-- instances. Prefer implementing the 'prettyCookedOpt' function and relay the
-- 'PrettyCookedOpts' settings to other printers.
-- @ data Foo = Bar Api.Value | Baz Api.PubkeyHash Api.Value
--     instance PrettyCooked Foo where
--       prettyCookedOpt pcOpts (Bar value) =
--         "Bar" <+> prettyCookedOpt pcOpts value
--       prettyCookedOpt pcOpts (Baz pkh value) =
--         prettyItemize
--           "Baz"
--           "-"
--           [ "user:" <+> prettyCookedOpt pcOpts pkh,
--             "deposit:" <+> prettyCookedOpt pcOpts value ]
-- @
-- The 'prettyItemize' function is useful to nicely lay down nested lists of
-- elements. Since we manipulate regular 'Doc' values, any function from
-- "Prettyprinter" can be used to implement your printers.
-- == How to pretty print?
-- Pretty printing of transaction skeletons and UTxO states is done
-- automatically by the end-user functions provided in
-- "Cooked.MockChain.Testing".
-- To do it manually, use 'prettyTxSkel' or 'prettyUtxoState'.
module Cooked.Pretty (module X) where

import Cooked.Pretty.Class as X
import Cooked.Pretty.Common as X
import Cooked.Pretty.Cooked as X
import Cooked.Pretty.Options as X