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How-to guides


Handle undeclared dependencies

I run fawltydeps and get some undeclared dependencies. What can I do with it?

You can run a detailed report to see the exact location (file and line number), in which the undeclared dependencies were imported:

fawltydeps --detailed

and debug each occurrence. Typically an undeclared dependency can be fixed in a couple of ways:

  • A true undeclared dependency is fixed by declaring it, e.g. adding it to your pyproject.toml or similar.
  • If you disagree with FawltyDeps' classification, you can always use --ignore-undeclared to silence the error. If you're sure this dependency should not have been reported by FawltyDeps, you may consider filing a bug report.

Configuration & run

Ignore development tools

How not to display tools like black and pylint in unused dependencies?

By default, all packages declared as dependencies by your project are included in the FawltyDeps analysis, even if they only contain tools that were not meant to be imported, but rather meant to be run by, say, in a pre-commit hook or a CI script. In such cases you may use either:

fawltydeps --ignore-unused black pylint

or add an equivalent directive to the FawltyDeps configuration in your pyproject.toml (see below).

Store fawltydeps options in a configuration file.

You can run:

fawltydeps --generate-toml-config

to generate a [tool.fawltydeps] section with the current configuration that you can then directly copy into your pyproject.toml. Options that have their default value are commented in this output, so you have quickly see where your settings differ from the FawltyDeps defaults.

This also works together with other command line options, so for example in the previous question, you could add --generate-toml-config to the command line (i.e. run fawltydeps --ignore-unused black pylint --generate-toml-config), to get this:

# Default options are commented...
ignore_unused = ["black", "pylint"]

Specific use cases

FawltyDeps with a monorepo.

Running fawltydeps without arguments at the root of a monorepo will most likely not give you a useful result: it will collect dependencies and import statements from across the entire monorepo. The produced report may be overwhelming and at the same time not granular enough.

Instead, you should run FawltyDeps for each package separately. This collects dependencies and import statements for one package at a time.


├ lib1
| ├ pyproject.toml
| ├ ....
├ lib2
| ├ pyproject.toml
| ├ ....

run for each libX:

fawltydeps libX

Passing Python code via standard input.

The --code argument accepts a single hyphen (-) as a special value meaning that code should be read from standard input. When using this you may pipe or redirect your Python code into FawltyDeps like this:

cat some/source/of/python/code | fawltydeps --code -
# or
fawltydeps --code - < some/source/of/python/code

You can also use this directly in the terminal to e.g. have FawltyDeps analyze some Python code that is in your clipboard:

fawltydeps --code -
# FawltyDeps waits for code on stdin; paste from your clipboard,
# then press Ctrl+D to signal EOF (end-of-file).


Pre-commit hook

Assuming that you already use the pre-commit tool, you can add something like this to your project's .pre-commit-config.yaml:

  - repo:
    rev: v0.19.0
      - id: check-undeclared
      - id: check-unused

GitHub action

FawltyDeps works well when run as a lint step in continuous integration systems.

Please see tweag/FawltyDeps-action for a GitHub Action that implements FawltyDeps linting. You can also get the FawltyDeps GitHub Action from the Actions Marketplace.