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Configuration file

You can use a [tool.fawltydeps] section in pyproject.toml to configure the default behavior of FawltyDeps. Here's a fairly comprehensive example:

code = ["myproject"]  # Only search for imports under ./myproject
deps = ["pyproject.toml"]  # Only look for declared dependencies here
ignore_unused = ["black"]  # We use `black`, but we don't intend to import it
output_format = "human_detailed"  # Detailed report by default

Here is a complete list of configuration directives we support:

  • actions: A list of one or more of these actions to perform: list_imports, list_deps, check_undeclared, check_unused. The default behavior corresponds to actions = ["check_undeclared", "check_unused"].
  • output_format: Which output format to use by default. One of human_summary, human_detailed, or json. The default corresponds to output_format = "human_summary".
  • code: Files or directories containing the code to parse for import statements. Defaults to the current directory, i.e. like code = ["."].
  • deps: Files or directories containing the declared dependencies. Defaults to the current directory, i.e. like deps = ["."].
  • pyenvs: Where to look for Python environments (directories like .venv, __pypackages__, or similar) to be used for resolving project dependencies into provided import names. Defaults to looking for Python environments under the current directory, i.e. like pyenvs = ["."].
  • ignore_undeclared: A list of specific dependencies to ignore when reporting undeclared dependencies, for example: ["some_module", "some_other_module"]. The default is the empty list: ignore_undeclared = [].
  • ignore_unused: A list of specific dependencies to ignore when reporting unused dependencies, for example: ["black", "mypy", "some_other_module"]. The default is a list including common development tools. However, you have the flexibility to overwrite this list according to your project's specific requirements. For the complete default list, please see the DEFAULT_IGNORE_UNUSED variable in the fawltydeps/ file in the repository.
  • deps_parser_choice: Manually select which format to use for parsing declared dependencies. Must be one of "requirements.txt", "", "setup.cfg", "pyproject.toml", "pixi.toml", "environment.yml", or leave it unset (i.e. the default) for auto-detection (based on filename).
  • install-deps: Automatically install Python dependencies gathered with FawltyDeps into a temporary virtual environment. This will use uv or pip to download and install packages from PyPI by default.
  • exclude: File/directory patterns to exclude/ignore when looking for code (imports), dependency declarations and/or Python environments. Defaults to exclude = [".*"], meaning that hidden/dot paths are excluded from traversal.
  • exclude_from: Files (following the .gitignore format) containing exclude patterns to use when looking for code (imports), dependency declarations and/or Python environments. Defaults to an empty list: exclude_from = [].
  • verbosity: An integer controlling the default log level of FawltyDeps:
    • -2: Only CRITICAL-level log messages are shown.
    • -1: ERROR-level log messages and above are shown.
    • 0: WARNING-level log messages and above are shown. This is the default.
    • 1: INFO-level log messages and above are shown.
    • 2: All log messages (including DEBUG) are shown.
  • custom_mapping_file: Paths to files containing user-defined mapping. Expected file format is defined in the User-defined mapping section.
  • [tool.fawltydeps.custom_mapping]: Section in the configuration, under which a custom mapping can be added. Expected format is described in the User-defined mapping section.

Environment variables

In addition to configuring FawltyDeps via pyproject.toml as show above, you may also pass the above configuration directives via the environment, using a fawltydeps_ prefix. For example, to enable JSON output via the environment, set fawltydeps_output_format=json in FawltyDeps' environment.

Configuration cascade

  • Command-line options take precedence, and override corresponding settings passed via the environment or pyproject.toml.
  • Environment variables override corresponding settings from pyproject.toml.
  • Configuration in pyproject.toml override only the ultimate hardcoded defaults.
  • The ultimate defaults when no customizations takes place are hardcoded inside FawltyDeps, and are documented above.